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Daddy's Home Page 3

  He smiles and says the words one last time, and this time I can hear him loud and clear. "Don’t hold back, Daddy."

  Unbelievable. His nerve is through the roof. I'm fully aware that I have no business whatsoever being on top of him like this. I need to accept this challenge, at least that’s what every cell in me is screaming at me to do. I always try to think with my brain and employ logic around really important matters. But for some reason, that strategy isn’t playing out so well.

  Reese can’t move, but he’s smiling. It’s as though the sick fuck in him likes being controlled. Yeah, he’s a loose cannon on one hand, but that’s probably just his way of testing people's limits.

  He tries to resist again, but it’s useless. I’m way too strong for this kid to even think about overpowering me. I’m not bragging, it’s just a fact… a fact that I’m growing to like more and more as my dick gets harder and harder.

  Reese smiles. “Make your move, Daddy, before it’s too later.” He looks at the obvious bulge in my jeans. “You’re either going to use that thing on me, or you’re not. You can’t pin me down forever. Either pull it out and show me that you’re not afraid to punish me like a real man, or I’m leaving.”

  Fuck. Here we go again. It’s all about ultimatums with Reese. But he’s right, I don’t want him thinking I’m only bluffing. I know this is the by far the dumbest shit I could choose to do, but I reach down and tug at my zipper. Reese’s eyes nearly bug out of his pretty little face, and his lips curl slightly at both ends. He looks partly scared of what I could do to him, but extremely excited at the same time. I’m definitely large down there, and I suspect that’s exactly what he’s into.

  I release one of my knees from his shoulder, knowing that I’ve got his full attention now as I pull out my cock. Somehow his eyes find a way to light up even more. I back off his body and shimmy my pants and underwear off as fast as I can.

  What the fuck am I doing? I’ve officially lost my mind.

  I wrap my hand around my cock. “You’re free to go now, Reese.”

  His eyes narrow a bit as he glances over at my bedroom door as though he's actually considering leaving. He gets up quickly, and for a split second, I wonder if he’s going to bolt. That theory doesn’t last long as he kneels down right in front of me and reaches for my cock.

  He starts to suck and shit, he knows exactly what he’s doing. I can’t help but wonder how many dicks he’s sucked in his young life, and how for some sick reason I don’t like that I’m probably just one among dozens.

  But the pleasure quickly clears my mind.

  Reese pauses to look up at me. “Is this what you needed, Daddy?” I should’ve listened to my gut the moment he first called me Daddy. Maybe then I’d have been prepared for all this dangerous shit to go down. Even though I knew it was fucked up, him calling me that and all, I also knew how much it was stirring my dick up.

  “I need a lot more than this,” I say, pushing my dick back into Gordon’s son’s throat. Jesus, this really is messed up.

  Too late now, I tell myself, even though it’s really not too late. It’s never too late to stop bad things from getting worse.

  So much for Reese Davenport being off limits.

  Reese cups my balls. He takes his mouth off my cock and says, “I know exactly what you need, Daddy.”

  My breath is heavy, and it’s more than obvious that I’m not about to put a stop to this fucked up situation. “What do I need, Reese? What makes you think you know what’s best for me now?”

  He stands and slowly starts to undress. I should stop him for sure, but I don’t. Instead, I take a step back and watch the unveiling of his tight, muscular body.

  Once his shirt and pants come off, I get a real look at how incredibly sexy this guy is. His body is so fucking tight it almost hurts. Correction, it does actually hurt. Because the moment Reese turns around, plants his hands on my bed, and gives his tight little ass a shake, the head of my cock starts to ache badly.

  And I mean real badly.

  I’ve never felt so out of control in my entire adult life. Sure, I’ve lost my temper and done some pretty dumb things, but nothing that could jeopardize my complete future.

  I don't seem to care anymore, not right now at least, even though I should. I feel like a heroin addict who’s about to stick a needle in his arm, pretending as though I’m seriously questioning whether or not I’m going to actually do it but knowing the deep down ultimate truth. Oh, I’m going to do this, that’s for sure. If there was ever a chance to put a stop to this mess, it disappears the second Reese slides the thin string to the back of his thong off to the side of his smooth, firm little ass.

  I’m getting in that hole, and I don’t care if costs me everything.

  I’m pretty sure I’ve gone fucking insane. Oh well.

  “You want to stuff my hole, Daddy?” he says.

  I reach into the top drawer of my nightstand and grab the KY jelly that’s been waiting for this moment for way too many months. I told myself the minute Jill and I broke up that I was finally going to meet some guys and let loose in bed, and that’s when I bought this lube. But that was over two years ago.

  Jill fucked me over pretty bad, told me if we got married, we were definitely going to start a family of our own. I put everything I had into our marriage, only to have her tear it all down the day she told me she couldn’t have kids and that she was leaving me without any real explanation.

  Today is a new day though, and I’m going to own this kid’s hole to make up for the past, and the present. Reese thinks he can one-up me, well I’m about to give him a real heavy dose of the truth.

  I slide my cock into his opening. “This is going to hurt,” I warn him.

  “Punish me, Daddy. I deserve it after everything I’ve put you through so far.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  He gives his ass another little shake, inviting me in one last time. And this time, I fully accept the offer. I push my dick all the way in, and holy fuck, his tight little ass feels so good around my cock. Almost too good, because I don’t imagine I’m going to last long given how incredible it feels to be inside of him.

  I groan like a wild beast as I take out all of my frustrations on him. He’s right, he has been giving me a hard time since the moment his plane landed in Boston. It’s payback time. And so far, I'm getting paid back and then some.

  It feels so good that for a second I almost forgot about my deal with Gordon. Sure, me watching over his son wasn't contractually tied into whether or not he was going to loan me that capital, but I have a feeling that if I said no to his request, the whole deal would vanish. That's just business, and I get it.

  I manhandle Reese from behind as he claws his fingers into my bed, exactly the way things should be right now. Fuck, I look down at his perfect ass, and at my cock pounding that perfect ass… what a scene. Almost too much to watch without exploding.

  “Own that hole, Daddy,” he says, his voice longing and submissive.

  “Are you going to start behaving from now on?” I say back to him, pushing my dick deeper into his ass.

  He reaches underneath his legs and cups my balls from behind as I fuck him even faster. “If you promise not to punish me like this anymore, then I promise I’ll listen.”

  “Fuck yeah you will,” I say as I start to drill him even harder. I can't believe this, but my dick is already about to unload. This is what happens when I wait too long to get laid. Plus, doing Reese like this isn't just some normal hookup, it's already the hottest sex I've ever had.

  “Now come and drink my come, you bad boy you!” I groan.

  I pull my dick out quickly, and Reese is there waiting, his moist, warm mouth already gaped wide open. My entire body quivers as I start to orgasm. I aim the head of my cock towards his lips, and Reese arches his head back slightly so I can jerk my load into his mouth. I fight back a tiny smile as I accidentally get some of my load onto the side of his baby face

  We both collapse onto my bed, but Reese is still rock hard, and he’s holding his cock in his hands as though he’s waiting for my permission.

  “Do you want to come for me?” I say, nodding towards his dick. He nods, his teeth biting down on his lower lip. “Come on baby, Daddy wants to see that big load.” Jesus, I can’t believe I just referred to myself as Daddy now. This situation is out of control.

  Reese smiles. “Anything for you, Daddy.”

  I flash a drunken smile; I can barely breathe as I try to recover from my own orgasm. I can’t take my eyes off his hand as he jerks himself off. It doesn’t take long for him either. His eyes roll into the back of his head and I reach over to pinch his nipple. “Come on, boy. Fucking come hard for me,” I say.

  Reese’s load is huge. So huge it’s like he’s been saving up too. Although I doubt someone like him waits very long between hookups.

  We both lie back on my bed, and our hands touch at our sides. Feels weird to say, but it kind of feels a bit warm and tingly as our fingers meet. There's some sort of energy exchange between us that seems to happen through our fingers touching.

  We turn to face each other and we both burst out laughing. In fact, it’s the first time we’ve both laughed from our belly, at the same time, since we met. Somehow, having amazing sex just released something inside both of us, at least for the moment.

  And I’m fully aware that this moment will be short-lived.

  It feels nice for now though, and given the release I just had I’m way too relaxed to overthink things in this moment.

  “That was incredible,” he says, his voice sounding more reserved than before.

  I pause, a bit surprised at the maturity I see behind those eyes of his. “I know, right? You’re so fucking sexy I couldn’t stand it for very long,” I say.

  His cheeks turn red, and I like it more than I should. “And you’re a fucking animal behind that mask you wear.”

  “What mask?”

  He raises a brow. “What mask? Are you serious? You’re really not that much older than me, but the second we met you’ve been acting like some all-knowing sage.” His lips curl slightly, letting me know that he means this in a cute, playful way.

  That’s good because the sex we just had makes it impossible for me to get mad right now. “Don’t act like you don’t need to be reigned in, Reese. There’s a reason your father asked me to watch over you.”

  Reese suddenly looks serious. I put my arm on his shoulder to assure him I didn’t mean my words to come off like I was reprimanding him. I mean, his father was right, he is kind of a ticking time bomb, but nothing’s ever that simple.

  He slides my arm off his shoulder. “My father’s a douche to me, always has been. Never really gave two fucks about me. Forgot my birthdays, never supported any of my interests. I finally decide to move back from L.A. and he can’t even be here on the weekend I return. I got a fucking email from his assistant, Alice, on Thursday telling me he was going to be out of town for the weekend. I’ve had more conversations with Alice over the past few years than my father.” Reese shakes his head and turns to look up at the ceiling.

  I reach over and take his hand in mine. Why would I do such a stupid thing?

  But before I can answer my own question, Reese opens up more. “I’m lucky I didn’t end up like some of my friends… dead, hooked on oxy, whatever. People think having money makes everything easy, but usually, it just means having different problems.”

  “It helps a little though, right?” I say.

  He shakes his head, still looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I try not to take a fucking dime from my father. Somehow that would just make shit feel even worse.”

  Wow, if that’s true then I completely misread Reese. I just assumed he’s been sucking at the teat of his father’s money to get by in life. Fuck, makes me feel like an asshole as I wonder what else I might have gotten wrong with him. He’s clearly way more insightful than I gave him credit for.

  But he’s still just a kid…

  I hate that I suddenly feel this close to him. Doesn’t make sense. Maybe it was the sex. I don’t know, and I don’t care right now. “That sucks, Reese. I kind of get why you acted like such an ass when I came looking for you.”

  He chuckles, and a smile reappears on his lips. “But things are never that’s simple. People get off track, I’m sure that’s what happened to your father.”

  He scoffs at my last few words. “Yeah, sure. That’s probably it. He just got off track for my entire fucking life.” Reese turns to face me. His eyes look even bluer than before. “Thanks for the pep talk, Doc. How about you? What’s your deal? Why no marriage or kids?” he says. He raises a brow and jokes, "Or are you secretly married with children and just couldn't resist my ass?"

  I chuckle. “You do have a great ass.” But this time, it’s me who turns to face the ceiling. Only I’m not playing around. “No kids,” is the only answer I provide. I’m not going there.

  “No kids? Care to elaborate a little more?"

  I look at him and shrug my shoulders. "Not really, sorry."

  He lets out a deep breath. "Wow, that’s all you got for me? I just poured my heart out for you.”

  I shrug my shoulders again, not uttering another word. This isn’t new behavior for me. I don’t feel the need to open up about shit with a complete stranger who feels barely legal compared to me.

  Reese springs up from the bed. He looks all pissy, but I don’t have any immediate plans of turning around his mood. Honestly, he kind of looks sexy when he’s all pissy.

  “Hypocrite much?” he snaps as he adjusts the strap on his thong. I reach for his arm and try to stop him from picking up his jeans but he snatches it away before I can grab it.

  “Shit, are you mad?” I say lightly.

  No answer. That's a firm yes.

  I get dressed too. Obviously, the mood has changed, and putting clothes back on and pretending as though whatever just happened between us never actually happened seems like the natural thing to do next.

  I honestly can't wrap my head around how quickly things just got out of control. One second he’s pissing me off, and the next I had my cock in his hole.

  Amazing how one bad decision can change everything. Whatever happened to my simple agreement with Gordon to watch over his kid? Then again, how did I know things were going to get this complicated, and that his goddamn kid would break me down like that?

  I catch myself making up excuses when really it’s simple… Like I said, I let my cock do my thinking for me. That’s never ended well before, but I’m determined to rewrite the script this time around.

  I watch as Reese walks out of my room and mumbles something. Fuck, I really did own that ass of his. So tight, and he was so dirty.


  This needs to end immediately, but I’ll hold onto him calling me Daddy like that forever. Looks like I’ve got myself a lifetime supply of future jerkoff material.

  If only it didn’t come with so much risk…

  I lie back down on my bed for a second or two. I grab the silky accent pillow on my bed and bury my face in it as I try to make sense of everything that just happened.

  And so far, nothing’s registering.


  Fucking. God.

  Yeah, I’m kind of pissed at him for not telling me shit about his life after everything I just told him. Maybe I felt embarrassed more than anything. I get that we just had the most random fling ever and that Cruz and I couldn’t be more different. But still, we were sharing a moment and he basically just shut me down. Makes me wish I never told him about my relationship with Gordon. a.k.a., my father.

  But seriously, that sex. My cock is still throbbing in my underwear.

  The way he fucking owned me. Holy fucking turn-on.

  I've never had a man take that much control over me before. I'll never admit that to Cruz, although he can probably tell by the way I was holding back my screams with my k
nuckles stuffed in my mouth at times. I've always wanted to hook up with an older man, and when I saw Cruz and knew that somehow he was supposed to be helping my father, something about the entire scenario just turned me on.

  That, and the fact that Cruz has the most chiseled jaw, perfect lips, and deep blue eyes known to man. Cruz isn't just handsome, and he isn't just sexy…

  He's all fucking man, and he just proved that to me in his bedroom.

  Not sure what to do now though. Calling our current situation awkward would be a major understatement. "Are you hungry?" he says, opening his refrigerator door and fishing out a bottle of mustard. He acts as though I didn't just storm out of his bedroom.

  My brows snap together. "I see those cooking classes have really been paying off. Nothing like a little fried mustard for breakfast. Yum, yum," I tease.

  Cruz tosses me the mustard. His lips break out into a wide smile, something I feel proud of given how serious he was when we first met. Maybe the sex loosened him up a bit. Maybe even a lot. Not that that changes anything about the fact that I'm not going to let him push me around this weekend. "Bon appétit!" he teases back.

  I open up the mustard container and drizzle a line of it down my index finger. I walk towards him and hold my finger up to his lips. "I insist, you have the first bite," I say. His eyes light up with desire again. He takes my finger in his mouth and starts to suck the tip of it as though he's giving me a blowjob. I can feel myself getting hard again, just minutes after I just came for him in his bedroom.

  "I've had worse breakfasts than that," he says, taking one last suck on my finger. I move in to kiss him, but he pushes me away and smiles. "Easy, kid. I'm an old man, remember? I need at least an hour to recover."

  "I'm sorry, Daddy. Do you want me to stretch you out a bit to help with the recovery process? Maybe even run you a warm bath with lavender salts or whatever the fuck that stuff is that people put in baths?"

  Cruz throws the mustard back in his nearly empty refrigerator, a true bachelor pad indeed. Not that he doesn't have nice shit in here because he does. He just doesn't seem to have those final touches that make it feel complete. He's got a really great condo, but it kind of feels only partially moved in. "Come on, rich boy. I'm taking you out for breakfast. It's part of the deal I made with your father. Keep you alive and out of trouble, and give you at least one meal," he says.