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Daddy's Brat (Boston Daddies, Book 3) Page 3

  “6:15, on a Friday?"

  "That's when you scheduled it for, Mr. Dunn."

  "I know, of course. Thanks, Jess," I say.

  She hesitates and stands up tall in her tight, black dress. I catch her glancing at my chest as she hands me the notes.

  She starts to talk, but before the first word can even leave her lips, I realize that Gavin’s back in my mind… his face is swirling around in my head, taking over, determined to destroy my concentration today.

  I close my eyes for a brief second and take a deep breath. “I’m sorry, can you do me a favor? I'm dealing with a personal matter. A family matter. Can you make sure that I’m not interrupted so I can make a quick phone call?”

  Jess nods, her baby doe eyes a bit wary. “Yes, Mr. Dunn. Absolutely,” she says.

  I walk into my office and close my door. I sit down at my desk and think for a moment, knowing I’m starting to behave in ways that make almost no sense.

  I try to stop myself from calling my son's cell, but my fingers seem to have a mind of their own as they grab my phone from my pocket and dial him up. “Jayson, it’s me.”

  “Dad?” my son's voice says from the other end.

  "How did it go with Gavin? Did he say anything?” I say.

  Jesus, I need to settle my ass down.

  “How do you think it went? I had to kick my best friend out of my own home. He has nowhere to go,” he says.

  “What’s so wrong with his parents' house?" I say.

  “Everything’s wrong with his parents’ house right now. Why are you even asking these questions?”

  “I saw him leaving…” my voice trails off, thoughts of Gavin walking down my long, winding driveway, travel bags in hand…

  I vowed to stop picturing that scene of him in my mind.

  “And?” Jayson says, the irritation in his voice building. I can’t say I blame him, he’s never seen me act this odd before.

  And neither have I.

  “And… if he’s not going back to his parents, where the hell is he going to sleep?” I say, realizing how ridiculous I sound the moment the words leave my mouth.

  “Why do you care? This is so weird. One minute you tell me to get rid of him, the next you’re running a full-on investigation.”

  “Where is he?" I snap.

  There’s an awkward moment of silence, then he says, “Think he mentioned something about going to the Night Owl Brewing Company for a drink. I feel bad because I couldn’t meet him there, and he refused to meet up with me and some guys instead. That’s all I know.”

  I find myself letting out a deep breath that I'd been holding onto. “Thanks, Jayson. I have to run to a meeting,” I say, lying through my teeth.

  Sure, I have a meeting to go to, but not the kind that I get paid for.

  I end the call with Jayson. Then I realize I still have one last chance, a chance to be reasonable and let this whole thing go before it gets any worse. But my mind is stirring, and my body feels disoriented.

  I have to go find Gavin.

  The worst part is, I don’t even know what I’m going to say to him when I do find him. I just know I need to find him. Need to make sure things are cool.

  And that he’s safe.

  After acting like a lunatic and canceling tonight's meeting, I head downtown and find a parking spot two blocks down from the Night Owl. I take off my blazer and leave it in the backseat, and then roll up my sleeves. The sun is starting to set, but it's still warm as it hits the side of my face.

  Or maybe it’s me. I’ve been running hot since the second I drove past Gavin in my driveway.

  It doesn’t take me long to spot him as soon as I walk in., leaning his tight, sexy body back in some slick metal chair. His eyes are fixated on the wall of TVs above him, and he seems lost.

  I can’t see the color in his eyes from here, but I don't have any trouble remembering exactly what they look like… how blue and perfect they are, with vibrant gold speckles scattered throughout those gorgeous circles. With eyes like that, it’s at least somewhat understandable how I got myself into trouble with him in the first place.

  But right now, I promised myself I’d keep this meeting simple, and obsessing about how incredible his eyes are is anything but simple.

  I’m here to make sure he’s okay, that he has a plan for the night. But as I start walking towards him, I can feel my whole fucking body start to lock up and my heart start to pound.

  My whole I-came-here-to-do-a-simple-job plan is falling apart already.

  I walk up behind him and wait for a moment as the server takes his empty glass. Gavin is young, no doubt. He is my son’s age, for fuck's sake, maybe a tad older if I recall. But as he thanks the server, his voice is deep and wise beyond his years, and I can't stand the way it tugs at my heartstrings every time.

  “Do you think they can actually pull off a sixth Super Bowl ring?” I say, nodding towards the television that’s running a short piece on some new defensive back rookie who’s been traded to the Patriots. My palms are sweaty, and I honestly don't get it. I've closed deals with executive royalty before, talking to Gavin should be a piece of cake.

  Gavin looks up at me, unflinching. There’s a twinge of bitterness in his eyes that wasn’t there before. He tries to play along and says, "They have the best attitude in the league. As long as Brady and Belichick are still around, they’re always going to be the best.” Then Gavin looks away, back towards the screen.

  I feel super awkward but somehow manage to push through as I grab a seat next to him. ”Mind if I have a seat?" I ask, even though I'm already sitting.

  He nods casually but refuses to take his eyes off the screen. The server brings back another beer for him and asks me what I want. “I’ll have what he’s having,” I say rather quickly.

  I find myself unable to stop staring at Gavin, his incredibly handsome face drawing me in like a giant magnet. I need to get a fucking grip, fast.

  But I still can’t wrap my head around one simple concept…

  How did this kid grow up and turn into such a gorgeous man, practically overnight?

  ”True point,” I say.

  Gavin looks at me, a distant and slightly puzzled expression on his face. He doesn’t say a word, looking back up at the screen as he draws the edge of his tall glass of beer to his pink, lush lips.

  I can’t stop wondering what those lips would feel like with mine pressed up against them, bathing in their warmth and tasting their sweetness.

  These are definitely not the thoughts I should be having right now.

  With his body language still sending me a clear message, avoiding me altogether as he faces the screen, he finally turns his head just enough so he can lock eyes with mine. “Can I ask you a question, Mr. Dunn?" he says.

  I don’t hesitate. ”Of course."

  My chest tightens in anticipation. As though somehow, Gavin’s attention is the most important thing in my life right now. ”Did you come here on purpose?" he says.

  “I do everything on purpose, Gavin."

  He hints at a scoff and drains a third of his beer down his stubbly throat. ”I don’t doubt that," he says back to me.

  I don’t know him from a hole in the wall, but I'd officially bet my life that he's agitated. Or, at the very least, he's stressed.

  Either that, or he's just completely indifferent to me right now.

  And for some reason, that last possibility is bothering me more than anything. I’d rather him be really pissed off at me than not give a shit about me.

  “Maybe I should rephrase that," he says. "Why are you here right now, did I do something wrong?"

  Jesus, why does everybody think they’re doing something wrong when they're around me?

  “On the contrary. I came to tell you that you need to stay at my house,” I find myself slipping out.

  Even though that was the complete opposite of my plan.

  He raises both brows. “Are you serious right now? You just ordered Jayson to do your d
irty work and throw my ass out. Now you’re here to revoke that order? Seems like an really fun game you’re playing, but I’m all set."

  "No, you're not all set," I say. “And I’m not playing a game.”

  "Actually, I am. I even spotted a really nice cardboard box on the way over here. Looks like it used to belong to a refrigerator, should be plenty big enough for at least the top half of my body tonight.”

  Then he turns to face the TV screen again. I stupidly grab his arm, and the moment I do, my gut tightens and I know I'm making a huge mistake. I can feel tiny little flames scurry down my neck. He looks down at my hand and swallows hard.

  I just went too far, no question. What the hell am I doing putting my hands on this kid?.

  Even more importantly, why is my hand is still on his arm?

  “You’re staying at my house, Gavin. It’s not a game, and I’m not asking you.”

  Gavin’s cheeks quickly turn from tan to red. My heart is pounding way too fast, so I quickly release his arm.

  Best decision I’ve made all day.

  I lean back in my chair as the server comes over with my beer. Now the two of us are looking directly at the TV above as he says, “Just a reminder, I'm not actually your son. I think that maybe you’re getting a tiny bit confused.”

  I shake my head slowly. “Not confused at all. Obviously, you need someone to keep you on track, make sure you don’t get hurt. Make sure you don’t sleep in any cardboard boxes.”

  I can see his head turn to face me through my peripheral vision. I turn to meet him head on, our eyes at a dead standstill with each other. "I need to go. I'm meeting some friends," he says.

  I look down at his beer, the one that's still almost completely full. Luckily, I'm calm enough on the outside to make sure that I don’t grab his arm again. But on the inside, my heart is still pounding and my stomach won’t stop doing flips.

  I know he's lying about meeting up with other people, not that he doesn’t have every right to end this conversation with me.

  But the worst part of it all, I don't think I can let him end it.

  “So we’re cool? You know the drill?” I say, my eyes accidentally glancing over at his lips.

  He shifts nervously in his seat. I swear he’s reacting to the way I’m looking at him in more than just a nervous sort of way.

  But he's straight.

  And too young for me.

  And for some reason I keep seeming to forget both of those facts.

  I manage to forget these two basic facts again, my thoughts drifting off to ridiculous, forbidden places…

  Like how my cock is aching really badly to be inside of him. And the way I’d practically kill to see him naked right now. And how I want to taste his mouth with my tongue and explore every part of his flesh with my bare hands.

  I’m also noticing the way I’m losing my fucking mind.

  ”Thanks for the company. It can get a little lonely trying to rebuild my life. But I'm good,” he says. He gets up from his chair abruptly, grabs his beer to take one more sip, and then puts it back down. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a crumbled up twenty-dollar bill.

  I hold out my hand to stop him. “I’m paying. And you’re welcome.”

  “I didn’t ask you to pay. I don't need you to pay."

  I shake my head as I reach for my money clip in my pocket. “No, I mean you’re welcome for the company.”

  Gavin flashes a tiny smile. “Fine, you can pay. Now we’re even,” he says.

  I throw down a crisp fifty-dollar bill. “Even?”

  “You get to feel released from your guilt by me letting you pay for my beer.”

  He starts to leave but I stand in his way. “I think you’re mixed up. I don’t feel guilty, and you’re not letting me do anything.”

  He tries to walk around me, but I step to the side and block him again. This time, we're extremely close, as close as we were in the pool.

  As close as we were when I almost kissed him.

  “Then why did you go through so much effort to hunt me down like this?”

  “It wasn’t so much effort. I asked my son where you were. He told me. I drove down here. Simple stuff.”

  "Simple stuff. Great, I’ll take your word for it. Now, can I leave?”

  I step to the side and make room for him to pass. I hold out my hand and try to sound as nonchalant as possible as I say, “Of course, by all means.”

  We lock eyes again, neither one of us saying a word. Gavin shrugs his shoulders awkwardly. ”This doesn't feel like simple stuff, but whatever. Thanks again for the beer.”

  He starts to walk away, and at first, I turn to face the table so that I don’t have to look at him anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s the total opposite… the more I look at him, the more I tend to do and say stupid things.

  I hear the sound of the brewery's doors swinging open, and then something inside of me snaps.

  I try to talk myself off the ledge…

  Keep your shit together. Let him go. Be a normal fucking person right now.

  But no amount of self-talk in the world is going to stop me from doing the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, which is going after my son's friend right now.

  I walk out through the front doors of the brewery, my pace way quicker than usual for me, and then I look in every possible direction in order to track him down. I quickly spot him across the street, and follow right after him, hardly checking before I cross the street to make sure I don't get smashed by a truck or whatnot.

  “Gavin! Hold up a second!” I call after him.

  He drops his bags and turns to face me. His stylish, short brown hair, and his electric blue eyes nearly stun me every time, as though I hadn’t just seen him only moments ago. But right now, there’s no expression on his face. And I can’t say I blame him at this point.

  ”I can’t let you leave without resolving this. You have nowhere to go," I say. Several mobs of people walk past us. Longing for privacy, I reach down and pick up his bags.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he says.

  I turn and start to walk away with the bags. I stop for a second to face him and say, “I’ll take your stuff back with me. Since you’re being so difficult, at least this will ensure that you'll come back to my place.”

  Great, now I’m controlling on top of crazy.

  I go to leave again but only make it a few steps before I feel resistance tugging at one of the straps on his bag. I swear it’s not intentional, but I pull back on the bag, and the two of us lose our balance. I drop the bags and we stumble into each other’s arms, Gavin stumbling more so than me.

  I regain my footing, and then find my hands instantly wrapped around his waist in order to stabilize him and stop him from falling. My heart immediately feels like it just went up in flames. My pulse starts to race and my cock reacts in ways I should be ashamed of.

  Gavin is staring right at me, his sinful blues narrow but curious. More open than they were just moments ago.

  I realize that my hands are still on his waist, and more importantly, that he hasn’t moved yet. I can’t ignore the fact that he hasn't punched me in the face for putting my hands on him for a second time in one day.

  He can’t be straight. He just can’t be.

  He looks down at my hands and I expect him to move away from me. Then he looks back up at me with those unbeatable eyes, only now he’s gritting his teeth just slightly and shaking his head. His eyes are wide, and I swear, he’s not gritting his teeth out of anger right now, because he’s almost definitely looking at me with a flames of desire.

  The animal in me snaps, and before I can talk some sense into myself, I grab both of his bags and throw them over one shoulder. I lead him by his wrist, quickly pulling him into a random office building entryway.

  Inside the building, there are glass doors to the right of us which lead to a coffee shop, and a set of concrete stairs directly in front of us which leads to a bunch of random businesses.
  Then I look down and spot a small set of stairs which leads to some public restrooms.

  I turn and face him, the heat in my face and neck almost too much to stand. I stop myself from swallowing, determined to stay in some sort of control here.

  If that's even possible anymore.

  I have no fucking idea what I’m doing right now. The only thing I do know is that he hasn’t run away screaming yet.

  “Wait, what's your plan here?” he says, for the first time resisting my need to pull him towards god-only-knows-where.

  I stop and look at him, making note of the random hipsters and wannabe business people sipping their coffee off in the distance, on the other side of the glass doors. “I have to go the bathroom,” I say.

  “And you want me to come with you?” he asks. “That doesn't seem like a great plan if you ask me."

  I hold back a grin and shrug my shoulders. “I didn't ask you, and we never finished our conversation. Come on,” I order him.

  I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad one, but he’s fully complying with me now. I pull him down the small set of stairs and into a small, dark hallway.

  I drop the bags, setting off a loud thud on the cold brown tiles. “Mr. Dunn, this is really-"

  I put my hand on his lips, stopping him before he can finish his sentence. “Shhh. You don’t need to worry right now, Gavin,” I say in a low, raspy voice.

  His eyes nearly bug out of their sockets.

  I can feel my own eyes dilating like mad. Something inside of me has gotten irreversibly triggered.

  Our eyes connect, the two of us breathing as though we just came in from a long run. “I know I’m probably off-base here, but you look like you’re going to kiss me,” he says, his voice slightly trembling.

  I inch towards him. I can smell a heady mix of chlorine and salt that’s coming through the pores of the skin on his neck. “I’m not,” I lie, hoping somehow that making this declaration will alter my desires in some way.

  Gavin's shoulders drop and he relaxes his hands down to his waist. He swallows, and my eyes get caught in the mire of watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down. He squints and says, “Then what now?”

  I tug at my shirt collar, trying to breathe some air into my neck before it burns up completely. “Fuck it, then this now," I say, suddenly leaning into kiss him and losing all sense of the fact that we’re in a public place right now.