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Daddy's Home Page 5

  Cruz doesn’t flinch as he flashes a cocky smirk towards me, not even bothering to give my buddies the time of day by making eye contact with either one of them. He looks straight at me and says, "You're coming home. Let's go."

  "You know this guy?" Liam says with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Bryce is looking Cruz up and down, his eyes narrow, and his hands still ready to explode.

  I lock eyes with Cruz. "Sort of, I guess you could say that. We just met last night." I wave my buds off. "I got this, boys."

  "You sure?" Liam asks.

  Cruz shakes his head. "This isn't high school, ladies. There isn't going to be a fight at the prom. I just need a fucking word with you," he says to me.

  I nod to Liam and Bryce and the two of them step off the dance floor. "What are you doing here? You're acting like a psycho," I say.

  He looks back at my friends. "Got your hands full tonight. I thought maybe you'd had enough cock after our little round earlier, but I guess I was wrong," he says.

  I make a who-the-fuck-do-you-think-you-are-interrogating-me-like-this face. "What do you want?" I say.

  "Look, I overreacted earlier."

  "You think so? You’re overreacting now too.”

  "I wouldn't go that far," he says.

  I stare him down as I cross my arms.

  His eyes lighten up a notch. "Fine, maybe I did lose my cool, and that was shitty of me to take it out on you."

  I guess this is his way of apologizing. "Whatever. You still didn't answer my question. I get the feeling you didn't track me down to apologize, considering I never heard the word sorry come out of your mouth. Is this about my father? Did you come all the way here just to try and incarcerate me in your condo again?"

  Cruz looks down at my waist. “If being in my condo is a prison sentence, then I'd say you had it pretty good earlier. But no, I'm not here for that. Okay, maybe part of the reason is that I really did promise your father I'd make sure you were safe.”

  Where is he going with this? He didn't really answer my question the way it deserved to be answered. Is he here to see me? I doubt it. Is he here because he feels like he has to be, because of whatever arrangement he had with my father? Most likely.

  "Sorry, Cruz, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here with my friends, and I already promised them we'd close this place out tonight."

  His eyes narrow again. "Don't do this again. Remember what happened last night? What if I wasn't there to bring you home? Do you know what could've gone down after you passed out on a public street at night, in the middle of a major urban area?”

  "You mean if you didn't save me, then how would Daddy have bent me over his bed and shoved his big cock in my ass this morning?"

  Cruz’s eyes bug out of his head. I'm pissed and somehow turned on at the same time. What else is new when I get too close to this man?

  He takes a step towards me and says, "You bent yourself over my bed, remember? Regardless, I'm not leaving without you, that much I know. I already admitted that I acted like a dick earlier, but that doesn't change the fact that you're coming home with me tonight."

  I can't hide a laugh. "That's actually mildly amusing. You really do think you're my daddy, don't you?" I move so close to him that the warmth of his breath instantly takes its hold on me. His five o'clock shadow looks more like a short beard since I last saw him. He looks sexy as fuck, and unfortunately, I find myself wanting to lick several beads of sweat that are rolling down his neck right now.

  Get it together, Reese. Quickly.

  "You're not in charge of me."

  He cocks his head to the side. "Really? You could've fooled me earlier," he said.

  "That was earlier, this is now. You had your fun. That was a one-time thing. And that's a direct quote from you, remember?"

  "I'm not here to fuck you, Reese. I'm here to take you home."

  "I'm not going home unless you give me a damn food reason. It's 9 o'clock at night. Unlike you, my night doesn't wind down at nine with a trusty pair of reading glasses and an old library book. If you want me to come with you, then you need to earn it."

  Cruz shoots me nasty, arrogant glare. "What the fuck does that mean?"

  I grin. "It means you're doing shit my way this time. I want you to loosen up a little bit with me, and with my friends, if that's even possible for you. And you need to dance with me, a lot. But I'm guessing you don't have the balls to do that, do you, Daddy?"

  Cruz looks me dead in the eyes, his face completely deadpan. We lock eyes in a staring contest until he finally cracks. "Fine, have it your way. But if I dance with you, and hang out with your meatball friends, then you need to stay at my place tonight. Do you understand me?"

  "My friends aren't meatballs." Not totally at least.

  He raises both of his brows. "Deal?"

  I think over this proposition, and the more I go over it in my mind, the more I realize it's a horrible idea. Why am I even engaging with him in the first place? I saw what he was capable of earlier. Total asshole. Then again, he did kind of surprise me by coming here. It shows even more fortitude on his part than I gave him credit for.

  And, he looks sooo good. If I could get him to dance, what a breakthrough for mankind that would be.

  I can't stop my lips from forming a small smile. "Alright, Captain, we have a deal." His eyes light up, and my gut tells me right away just how bad of an idea this is.

  This is sick. This whole fucking thing is sick. But it's too late to turn back now, at least as far as tonight goes. I make one last promise to myself… do not sleep with this man. But as Cruz bends down to pick up a phone that just slipped out of some drunk idiot's hand, I get a really good look at his body again.

  And it all comes flooding back to me… those thick, muscular legs, his strong, V-shaped back, and the fact that his big dick nearly split my ass in half and had me coming harder than I've ever come in my life.

  Uh huh, this is not going to end well. As Cruz makes amends with Bryce and Liam, and the four of us get this party started, I can sense right away that my fears are justified.

  As the night goes on, and Cruz starts to loosen up, he can actually dance pretty well. The two of us seem to match up perfectly on the dance floor. I love that he's bigger than I am and that he can wrap his hands around my hips and make me feel so damn secure in his arms. As the two of us get hotter and start to sweat more, I reach for the top button on Cruz's shirt. He smiles as I undo the button and run my hand across the top of his chest. He scans the club to see if anyone's looking, and when he sees that the coast is relatively clear, he reaches down and grabs my dick. Fuck, I can't hide a gasp.

  I lean in close and start to nibble on his ear. "That's really not fair, Daddy."

  I can see his wicked smile already starting up again. “Life isn’t fair, Reese.”

  He leads me towards the back of the dance floor, turns me around so that my ass is facing him as he shields me from the crowd, and then he actually has the balls to run his hand into the front of my boxer briefs. I'm already rock hard, something that happened over an hour ago, as Cruz starts jerking me off right here on the dance floor.

  "I'm tired of your shit, do you understand me?" he says, making a tight fist around the width of my cock.

  The ache in my cock forces me to let out a moan. Fortunately, we’re in the middle of a club with Kanye blaring so goddamn loud through the sound system that I'm pretty sure nobody heard me. Except for Cruz, whose eyes I can feel narrowing in on his target even more... his target being me.

  The right thing to do would be to simply walk away given how quickly things are heating up between us. But that ship sailed the minute he and I stumbled onto this dance floor together. “What happens if I don't understand you?” I say, arching my head back and teasing him with my overbite fuck-me-Daddy expression.

  He flips me around to face him and purses his lips. Cruz leans in close and nips at my ear. Fuck. What a slut. He runs his hand down to the base of my cock, grabs my balls and then squee
zes them lightly, as though they belong to him now. “Remember what I did to you earlier?”

  "Yes, Daddy," I answer. And the glazed look in my eyes tells him all that he needs to know.

  “If you pull any more stunts, I will fuck that tight little ass of yours so hard, and then I'll refuse to let you come. Do you want that to happen, Reese?”

  My balls draw in as my cock expands to full capacity. If I can make it out of here alive, without exploding, that would be a miracle.

  Shit, I realize how badly I want him inside of me again, and how much that sucks. I shouldn’t want any one man this much. It’s not healthy. And way too risky, especially after the way he reacted earlier.

  I try to resist one last time. “You can’t push me around like this." The truth is, I don’t want him thinking he can just barge in here and dictate what I can and can’t do with my life. But when his hand is on my balls, his tongue is in my ear, and he gets all controlling with my body, something in me wants to surrender to this arrogant prick.

  He reaches behind me, shoves his hand into the back of my pants, and grabs a fistful of my bare ass. “Test me, Reese. See where that gets you.”

  I look straight into his dark blue eyes. We kiss hard and it’s almost impossible for me to not start ripping off his clothes. I pull my tongue out of his mouth and sink my teeth into his shoulder. I glance around the club, and nobody’s paying a lick of attention, which is good and bad. Even Liam and Bryce are completely oblivious to the fact that an older man is jerking me off right here at the most popular gay club in Boston. The two of them found what they wanted on the other corner of the dance floor as both of them grind up hard against a couple of cute, beefy Ivy League-looking preppy boys fresh out of school for the summer.

  Well, almost what they wanted. So much for finding guys with low IQ's.

  My breath is so choppy, like the Maine coastline in the middle of a vicious storm. I pull away from Cruz sharply and smile. “Fuck you, I’m leaving,” I say to him. But both of us know that’s a total bluff.

  He grabs my shirt and pulls me back in. “No, you’re not,” he says, sliding his tongue back inside my mouth. We kiss hard again, and his hand makes its way back to my dick. I smile, and then turn my body so that my ass is pushing into his thick bulge. I arch my head back, and Cruz grabs my chin and tilts my head even further back.

  “Fuck this,” I say, pushing my ass into his package one last time before storming off the dance floor.

  I don’t look back. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my body as I dart out through a side door of the club. The night air is warm and the sky is crystal clear, with thousands of stars blanketing the city right now.

  I look back at the side door to The Rainbow Lounge. Nothing. I stand in the back alley of the club, alone. Where the fuck is he?

  I shake my head, pissed that he didn’t follow me out here. Did he change his mind? Maybe he came to his senses and realized that we can’t be playing with so much fire like this anymore.

  No, that’s just stupid. He was practically ready to fuck my ass right there on the dance floor, in front of the whole club.

  Then suddenly I scream, but it’s muffled through the thick hand that comes out of nowhere and covers my mouth. He literally came out of nowhere… I guess he bolted through the front door instead.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he rasps in my ear. Before I can answer he forces my hands up against the warm brick of the building, my ass facing the front of his body head on. I try to resist, but I can’t compete with Cruz’s sheer force and size.

  “I don’t know. I’m sorry, Daddy. I won’t do it again, I promise,” I say, backing my ass up into his massive bulge.

  Cruz bites down softly into the side of my neck. “Too late for apologies. I told you you’d regret it if you fucked with me again. Did I not warn you?”

  “Yes, Daddy. You warned me.”

  He reaches around to the front of my jeans and pops open the button. “Right here, out in public?” I moan.

  “Shut up. I’m not the one who brought this shit on. Now we don’t have a choice.” His hands move quickly as he rips my pants down. He slides my thin, silky underwear down my ass. He’s so rough, and I fucking love every second of it. I’ll be lucky if I don’t come all over the side of this building sometime in the next thirty seconds.

  My head wanders for a few seconds as reality tries to creep in. I wonder what the fuck is going on between us. We have crazy chemistry. So crazy it almost scares me. I’ve never wanted another man so bad, even though Cruz and I couldn’t be further from an actual couple.


  I hear his pants coming undone from behind me, and I’m ripped from my brain’s last attempt to make any sense of what’s happening between us. “Turn around and get down,” he orders me. I do what he says right away, and his long, thick cock is now just inches from my lips. “Start sucking,” he demands.

  I start to stroke myself as I open my mouth and stick out my tongue, aiming it towards the head of his dick.

  “Get me all nice and wet, Reese.”

  I spit on his cock and start to circle his tip with my tongue. I use my hand to lather his cock with my spit, making his entire shaft slippery enough for him to do what he needs to do to my ass. “Did I do a good job, Daddy?”

  “Just get up.”

  “Yes, sir,” I moan.

  We both look down the alley, out towards the main street that the club is on. We’re hardly hidden from public view, but the shadows back here cast just enough protection that someone would have to come into the alley itself to see us with our pants down and our cocks desperate for a release.

  Oh, and then there’s the issue of the side door. I guess we're both willing to roll the dice.

  I turn and face the building. Cruz runs his hands up my shirt and grabs a handful of my chest muscles. I spread my legs nice and wide for him and he doesn’t waste another fucking second.

  “Fucking god,” I say as he enters my firm, tight ass.

  No question, I drive him so wild inside he can't seem to resist fucking me. But apparently, he has the same exact effect on me. Like I said, crazy ass chemistry between us.

  I’ve fucked plenty of dudes before, but none of them have ever felt like Cruz. Not even close.

  He starts to pound me so hard my hand actually slips and I almost fall, but he catches me and pushes my palm back up against the brick building.

  “Easy, I’m not done with you yet,” he says. And even though he’s being so rough with me, there’s sweetness in his voice. The way he caught me, pure protective instinct.

  “Keep fucking me, Daddy. Just like that.”

  “Fuck,” he whispers. “You shouldn't have been shaking your tight little ass in front of me in the club like that. This is your doing.”

  I can barely catch my breath. “I know. I'm so sorry, Daddy. You can do whatever you want to my ass to make things right.”

  Cruz is panting now as he rasps, "You got this all wrong. It’s my ass from now on, got it?”

  “No,” I fight back.

  He shoves his dick another inch deeper inside my hole. There’s literally no room left for him to go. “Yes! My ass now,” he says, suddenly slowing down the rhythm of his fucking. My hole is practically strangling the thick width of his cock. I can feel the blood pulsing through his shaft, ready to explode inside of me.

  “Oh fuck,” he groans, reaching out in front of me and grabbing my cock.

  He fucks me even faster as he jerks me off at the same time. Not sure I can take this much longer.

  “Do you want my come inside that little ass that I own?” he asks.

  “Fuck yeah. I want it all. Fill me up, Daddy.”

  He grabs me by the back of my hair and pulls my head back. His thrusts get so damn fast that my hands are literally getting scratched from moving up and down against the course brick. And right now, I could care less if my hands were bleeding out… the only thing I can feel is his hot, thick manhood,
deep inside of me. And it doesn’t get any better than this.

  Scary thought, I know. Because who wants to think about the fact that the best feeling I’ve ever had is about to expire, that something this amazing is so temporary.

  It has to be. Cruz and I, we have everything in terms of short-term chemistry, but nothing in terms of a long-term relationship. We both know that. So why worry? Fuck it, I’m going to enjoy this moment, even if it is almost over.

  And even if I’ll never feel something this good for as long as I live.

  Dramatic, but unfortunately so fucking true.

  “Fucking Jesus!” he spouts out, and I instantly feel his hot jizz fill my ass. When he’s done, his come starts to leak out from my hole and run down my leg. I turn and face him. His eyes look drunk, but not from the alcohol, we only had a few drinks… just enough to get loose.

  I run my hand up my thigh, scooping up a massive amount of his come that ran down my leg. I use his come as a sort of makeshift lube, and Cruz can’t take his eyes off me as I start to jerk myself off.

  “Do you like seeing me this hard, Daddy?”

  “Hell yeah I do.” He pushes me back up against the building and spanks the back of my ass as he looks down at cock. “Now give Daddy that big load of yours.”

  I moan and jerk faster. I hear a couple of drunken voices come out from the front of the club. “Hurry up. We don’t want you getting caught for being such a dirty boy,” he says.

  The thrill of the voices getting closer, knowing that I had the hottest fucking man in that club just nail the piss out of me from behind, is making my dick twitch inside and out. “I’m hurrying, Daddy. I don’t want anymore trouble.”

  “Good,” he says. “Good boy.”

  He grabs both of my ass cheeks and squeezes them tight. He lifts his shirt up so I can claw at his hard, bumpy abs.

  Fuck… My body shivers wildly as I start to come on his stomach. Cruz pulls me in tightly, his big, warm body engulfing mine as I finish myself off.

  We both look at each other and smile at the same time. It’s as though we both snapped out of our lust trance and got beamed right back down to reality.